Independent proposal

3:19 PM Tuesday, December 9, 2014

For my proposal piece i will be creating a short animation reel lasting around 30 seconds to a minute (this will vary and change as the project progresses). the whole project will consist of a short animation showing a juist of what the final product would look like if a full thing were to be created rather than just a demo reel made on a time constraint. character sheets of characters that will be (or not be) appearing in  the final product. concept sketches of backgrounds/scenery characters in action scenes. storyboarding of animation scenes that may or may not make it to the final demo reel. and test animations that show the progressing from key frames to lighting detailing.

the project is a story that takes a bend on fairy tales by taking references from many different fairy tales (possibly lampshading them) revolving around the deuteragonists, Wran, a curious and lonely young boy locked away due to his overbearing dark magic in a tower hidden in the forest; and Zack a young journeyman of the blacksmith's trade who by the strings of fate finds himself stuck constantly running back into this tower.

(although the animation demo will take place mainly at the beginning of the story which revolves around Zack).

Black and White + One

9:22 PM Tuesday, October 14, 2014

1. How can I express the theme Black and White + One through photo-based artwork?

I plan to express my work in a series of photographs lined up on after another with my interpretation of the black and white plus one theme based around the idea of the mundane, ‘exactly how you expect it’, boring looking world being the black and white half of the theme and my plus one being the whimsy, like a touch of fantasy magic splashed onto the mundane of the black and white.
The concept show through cookies, having some photos taken with cookie where you would often and normally see cookie (i.e. on a plate on the kitchen counter, outside on a picnic table, etc.) but every so often there will be one photo in between. the photos I will be labelling black and white due to their boring/mundane approaches there be one photo that doesn’t seem to fit and have rather odd circumstances shown, these will the photo at immediately catch an eye just wandering along my lined up pieces; these will be my plus ones. The plus ones are the photos that seem out of place but yet still tie into the lineup. Of course they will be featuring the same cookie shown to be in the black and white photos by they will be in places one wouldn’t expect a cookie to be (i.e. each cookie taking up a seat on the subway riding off to somewhere, set up in a tiny town made of paper making them look like monster size cookies, etc.)
The lineup of photos plan to have will total up to ten but should be known that this is not a concreate number and the final number can be changed depending the current situation of the project. But the ratio between the black and white and the plus one of my photos should stay a static number of 3:1.

2. How can I explore using the medium of photography in a way that stretches my current knowledge and understanding AND suits my interpretation of the theme?

Each photo I plan to have a different type of technique in place be it in use of the camera or in Photoshop. While for my plus ones I want to use colourful and flashy techniques like that have a much more whimsical feeling like for example using the style of bokeh, lens flaring editing in extreme vibrancy. While my black and white photos on the other hand can style to be dulled coloured using a fisheye effect, selective colouring are a few to name.


"The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all."

the whole of the movie is a story proving oneself be it to oneself or to others against the odd. with that in mind, the two gifs that follow one another of the main character (Mulan aka the person the movie was titled after)  sitting in despair after being forced to bend to the will of the society of the time despite it going strongly against her sense of right and wrong; and it is in this part that she make a decision that causes her to break from the bend of the rule and go against it. the flower which we can see to be mulan wearing pink like the the cherry blossom flowers seen in the movie (the only flowers seen movie); and being a girl stigment she is to being a exactly like a flower, delicate, innocent and docile.

while a flower that grows against it all grows to be rough, wild and vivd. a flower that is prized for bravery.

Sense of place

9:20 AM Monday, January 27, 2014

Mine is centred around my old place of in Cabbage Town I attempt to take on a much more emotional view of having a place. I decide to play on my feeling that have developed over the years for that place that seems just to far to visit so often I have expressed them with “Rewind”. I created an interactive story book titled “Rewind” that featured a short burst of animations like components since it is still something I’m very keen on working with. 
The reasoned it was named “Rewind” is because whenever I think of old memories I think of an old cassette tape that is being rewind ready to be watched again, old movies that just punch you with nostalgia, it’s similar to the feeling I get whenever I head downtown, the glitch parts also come from this old cassette concept. Every scene in this story are actual memories of mine, no background is made up only uncoloured due to lack of memory since I know for sure many things have been painted over, the entire conversation is based on a real one I had with that very person. The only thing that had been altered is near the ending when asked what wrong with Etobicoke? Before I when I was asked that, I had no idea what to say, the real answer is said to him is still very much in the story but hidden behind glitches because I really do regret handling the question the way I did but now that more time has passed I realized the answer, and the altered ending is the result of that that realization.

Working with Flash was really fun! It really is a shame I couldn’t use Flash much more sine I overestimated the greatness of my old first gen Ipad, and the huge learning curve that Flash has. This project though was agony just because I set up a huge hurdle for myself and it resulted in taking forever to even get half way done (the total time making this from beginning to end is a little under two month) I still had fun regardless of the stress I had over this conflicting with other work and might just end up steal the laptop again when my work load dies down just to fiddle around more in Flash, I wish to make something spectacular and I assure you this, this is just a test run to make sure I’m up for the challenge.

Copy and paste into url to view the project

haha you can't expect me to fix it from home without the files.
I'll come in on Tuesday to fix it